ISN (International Social Networking Services - Interactive Apps and Websites)

Errors and Logging sample source codes - PHP Scripts


Building a basic error handler with custom error types
* Error Handling Class 
* Error Handling Class 
* Code for: Setting vars, handling errors, mailing an error report and 
* writing to an error log. 
class error_handle 
* The constructor function for error_handle. 
* sets the error handler to the custom one below 
function error_handle() 
    // Sets the error handler to this one rather than default 
    // Parameters are the object containing the function and the 
    // function itsself. This is because the function is inside a class. 
    set_error_handler( array( &$this, 'error_handler' ) ); 
  * The error handler set by set_error_handler() 
  * Checks to see what sort of error is being triggered. It can catch any of the E_WARNING, E_ERROR and E_NOTICE as well as the 
  * E_USER_* errors. You can also add your own custom types by adding them like I have done with BIG_SCARY_ERROR. Where it says to 
  * add your own code, that is where you put the code to be executed when the error of that type occurs. 
  * @param string $error_type The type of error being handled. 
  * @param string $error_message The error message being handled. 
  * @param string $error_file The file where the error occurred. 
  * @param integer $error_line The line where the error occurred. 
  * @param string $error_context The context in which the error occurred. 
  * @return boolean 
  function error_handler($error_type, $error_message, $error_file, $error_line, $error_context) 
    case E_ERROR: 
    case E_USER_ERROR: 
    // Add your own code here! 
    echo '<p class="error">'.$error_message,' (An error type ',$error_type,' occurred). The administrator has been notified. This page might not function correctly.<br /></p>';   
    case E_WARNING: 
    case E_USER_WARNING: 
    // Add your own code here! 
    echo '<p class="error">'.$error_message,' (An error type ',$error_type,' occurred). The administrator has been notified. This page might not function correctly.<br /></p>'; 
    case E_NOTICE: 
    case E_USER_NOTICE: 
    // Add your own code here! 
    echo '<p class="error">'.$error_message,' (An error type ',$error_type,' occurred). The administrator has been notified. This page might not function correctly.<br /></p>'; 
    case BIG_SCARY_ERROR: 
    echo 'A *huge* scary error has been seen skulking around on line '.$error_line.' of '.$error_file.'! It\'s shouting "'.$error_message.'"'; 
return true; 
To use this error handler, put in in a file, and include it into your script. Then, instantiate it (eg $error_handler = new error_handler() ). The whenever an error occurs, the class will catch it. To trigger your own errors do: 
trigger_error('error message typed here', E_USER_ERROR); 
(where the bit in capitals is the type you want to trigger). 
So you can do this to trigger a custom error type: 
trigger_error('I'm going to eat your PHP code!!! Bwahahahahaaa', BIG_SCARY_ERROR);
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