ISN (International Social Networking Services - Interactive Apps and Websites)

How to access phpMyAdmin directly (without cPanel login)

Follow the steps below to install phpMyAdmin on your domain:

Step 1:

Download the latest stable version of the PhpMyAdmin software here.

Step 2:

Extract the archive file on your computer.

Step 3:

Rename the extracted phpMyAdmin-4.2.5-english folder to phpMyAdmin so that your URL will look something  like this: //

Step 4:

Upload the phpMyAdmin folder into public_html directory of your hosting account and place it at the exact location where you would like to access the software. For example, if you want to access it from // you should place the content of the extracted directory straight under the public_html/PhpMyAdmin folder of your hosting account. 

Note: To upload files to your web server, you can either use FTP client like FileZilla or use the File Manager interface provided in your hosting cPanel. 

You should now be able to access phpMyAdmin directly from your domain.

Step 5:

Visit // in your web browser. ( with your actual domain name.) You will be prompted to enter your cPanel user name and password.


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